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Texas Kayak Fisher Blog


Filtering by Tag: Worden's Rooster Tail

My Top Five Bass Lures

Clint Taylor

Fishing for Largemouth Bass can be extremely fun and entertaining. Picking what lures to use can be frustrating though due to the vast amount of choices to select from. I have narrowed down five of my favorite bass lures to help you save some time and catch some big bass.

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What Did I Do the First Day After College Finals - Fishing

Clint Taylor

After a long semester of hard core engineering and math classes at college, I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate than to go fishing. Usually fishing for bass in Texas during the winter time is pretty difficult, but thankfully a good week of weather set up for a great day on the water.

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A Light Setup for Some Big Bass

Clint Taylor

There are many rivers in Texas that I have fished, but quite possibly the most productive is the Llano River. Nearly every time I have travelled to the Llano River I have ended up with a couple of nice bass, and this was no exception. I was especially excited to travel to the Llano River just south of Mason, Texas, as I had never fished this stretch of water, and I had a new fishing pole to try out. I recently noticed a 5' 6" light action spinning rod at a sporting goods store that seemed to be quite on sale. The combo was a Mitchell 300 series combo that I had a Mitchell 310 spinning reel attached to a nice 5' 6" light action rod. Typically, this combo retails for $69.99, but I found it on sale for $34.99. Quite a steal.

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