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Preparing for the Devils River 2.jpg

Texas Kayak Fisher Blog


Filtering by Tag: MTI Adventurewear

A Visit to the South Llano River with Dr. Kennedy

Clint Taylor

Every once ang a while I have the opportunity to take out a friend out on the water. For this trip, I was able to take Dr. Kennedy for a some kayak fishing on the South Llano River.

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A Trip to the South Llano River - Post Flood Condition

Clint Taylor

The South Llano River is an amazing place. Unfortunately, it took quite a hit from flooding in August of 2018. It still isn’t fully back to normal, but it seems to be recovering quickly. It certainly was nice to see the river getting back to normal and being able to get out on it’s pristine water.

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108 Degrees on the Brazos River...and a Big Snake

Clint Taylor

Texas summers can be exceptionally hot, and this past weekend was no exception. With temperatures hovering around 108 degrees and not dropping below 100 until 8:30 at night, I think it is safe to say it was pretty hot. That didn’t stop a great day on the Brazos River though.

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A Quick Trip to Catch Some Guadalupe Bass

Clint Taylor

The weekends are a great time for me to spend some time outside. Fishing is one of the many activities I like to do in my free time so if there is a weekend with good weather, there's a good chance I will be out on the water - out on the water catching Guadalupe Bass is even better.

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Takin It Easy With Pup

Clint Taylor

Getting out on the water is always a nice time, especially when you get to take your dog with you. Luckily me and my family's dog Pup were able to spend a little time together in my Jackson Kayak Big Tuna.

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Devils River - The Passion of Fishing

Clint Taylor

Every time I have gone to the Devils River in Southwest Texas I am amazed. The scenery is really something that I enjoy, as the rugged hills and cliffs with hardly any trees at all make an extreme contrast to the Devils River. This is why I love fishing the Devils River so much, it is just a extremely unique and enjoyable place to visit.

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